PWB Leadership Team

Penns Woods Bancorp, Inc.

Leadership Team
Our Leadership Team is comprised of experienced individuals with a wide range of knowledge in the industry.  Each member of leadership plays an integral part in the overall success of Penns Woods Bancorp, Inc.
Dick GrafmyreRichard A. Grafmyre, CFP®
Chief Executive Officer

Brian KneppBrian L. Knepp, CPA
President & Chief Financial Officer

Christine BartoChristine M. Smith
President & Chief Executive Officer - UIS
Senior Vice President & Chief Human Resources Officer

Aron CarterAron M. Carter
Senior Vice President & Chief Risk Officer

Jack W. Jones
Senior Vice President & Chief Banking Officer

Shelley Karas
Michelle M. Karas, 
Senior Vice President, Chief Data Officer & Corporate Secretary

Jerry Seman
Gerald J. Seman
President - Mortgage Division